Industry and competitor analysis

We compile industry, market and competitor analysis both in Finland and abroad. Our analysis work as a supporting document when you are planning to expand into new markets, service areas or new customer base. The analysis can also work as a basis for your M&A screening process or acquisition preparation.

When planning the future of the company it is important to take into account the operating environment and the changes in it. A realistic analysis of market potential and the future competitive position of the company form a good basis for future decisions. In the analysis of industry and competitors, we analyse the development of industry, critical success factors and the company’s competitive position in selected markets. The industry and competitor analysis helps the company to monitor and predict market changes and the actions of competitors.

Industry and competitor analysis is always tailored to meet customer’s needs. The report covers, for example, the following areas:

  • structure, characteristics and development of the industry;
  • product and market segments;
  • distribution channels;
  • competitors;
  • critical success factors and
  • industry opportunities and threats.

CAG’s experienced experts will be happy to help your company prepare a fact-based industry or competitor analysis to support management decision-making.

Corporate Advisor Group Oy

Phone +358 9 476 4600
Visiting address Rikhardinkatu 2
00130 Helsinki
Mailing address Corporate Advisor Group Oy
PL 176 FI-00101 Helsinki
ID: 1016430-8