Financial restructuring

Financial modelling and future scenarios

We allow you to proceed with your financial and strategic planning with higher accuracy by helping you understand and capture all variables related to your business. We test the interdependent sensitivities of your key business variables to future performance, balance sheet structure and ultimately value creation.

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Independent Business Review (IBR)

We provide objective, third-party analysis typically for banks and other financiers to review or “stress test” your business. We assess your strategy, existing resources and competence, market prospects and future forecasts.

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Analysis on loan portfolio and debt sustainability

The analysis includes a thorough surveying of the finance agreements of the company. We analyze all financial instruments used and the terms related to them. We go through the collaterals and covenants. We calculate the debt sustainability of the company based on forecasts drawn by the company itself or by our experts. The analysis serves as a tool when negotiating with the financiers.

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Capital structure optimization

We help you to evaluate and attain the optimal balance sheet structure for the purposes of your company, typically to elevate credit rating or gain access to financing.

Turnaround financing

When a company is experiencing a liquidity crunch, one of the keys to the success of the turnaround exercise, is having sufficient and flexible funding available. We help you to find the right financing partner to get the company through the turnaround process.

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Financial restructuring

We help you in making different arrangements with financial stakeholders to modify debt and reorganize the financial structure of your company. The objective of is a financially viable company, which will return to profitability and growth.

CRO services

We offer an experienced professional to act as a Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) in your company. The CRO has the expertise and know-how to manage your business through the turnaround process. CAG supports the CRO by offering expertise, tools, and resources to make an objective and quick analysis on the situation.

Contact us

Heimo Hakamo

Heimo Hakamo

Managing Director

Corporate Advisor Group Oy

Phone +358 9 476 4600
Visiting address Rikhardinkatu 2
00130 Helsinki
Mailing address Corporate Advisor Group Oy
PL 176 FI-00101 Helsinki
ID: 1016430-8